Saturday, March 27, 2010

Sunday March 14th.

Happy 33rd birthday to myself! And happy last day of this blog!
I can't believe that this entire year has passed by so quickly. It's been a wonderful year in so many ways. T and I bought our first house and took our dream trip to Italy. We spent time with our fabulous families and friends. We are so blessed with this life and I am grateful for every bit of it.
I am thrilled that I decided last year to do this blog. It was hard and time consuming to take a photo a day and then get them posted and written about. Before I started this, I was always looking forward to the next event or the next weekend. I forgot to enjoy the path I was on. I never noticed the new spring buds on the trees or amazing thundercloud formations. This blog has forced me to open my eyes. I am able to see the beauty of every day and I am so much more grateful for this life I have and the people I am surrounded by.
I'm excited to begin my 33rd year and see what comes next. Thanks to Project 365, I'll make sure to keep my eyes open and enjoy the journey. And while this blog is over, I'll continue on here with all of our new challenges and adventures!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Saturday March 13th

When T asked what I wanted to do to celebrate my birthday, I opted for a quiet night at home with T and my friend S. We saw Alice in Wonderland in the afternoon and then came home and cooked dinner together. T grilled the salmon, I made K-Paul's mashed potatoes and S prepared the asparagus with basil olive oil and pepper. She also played bartender, serving her own concotion, lime gimlets. Delicious!
The three of us shared a bottle of wine with dinner and a lot of laughs. I loved getting to share the night before my 33rd birthday with 2 of my favorite people in our warm and wonderful home.
I also really liked the birthday cake.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Friday March 12th

We went shopping last night. T is leaving for Vegas on Monday and needed a few new shirts. I managed to talk him into a blazer which he thought looked too much like Don Johnson in Miami Vice. He relented and he's going to look stylin!

Thursday March 11th

We finally got the call we'd been waiting for! Our friends went into labor with baby #2 today and T and I headed over to hang out with our best girl while they went to get her baby brother. T read her 5 books while I cooked dinner and I couldn't resist this photo. So sweet!
I also want to wish a happy birthday to my BFF! It's a great day!

Wednesday March 10th

We decided to paint our bathroom. We can't deal with the bright green that we currently have. The brightness just doesn't come through in this photo! These are the final three contenders that we're deciding between. Any thoughts?

Tuesday March 9th

I came home to T making omelettes for dinner. He has been practicing and started out browning the bell peppers and scallions.

Monday March 8th

I was warming up the car this morning and saw this little squirrel digging in the ground. By the time I got my camera out of my purse, he was up in the tree. Is spring in the air?