Monday, July 27, 2009

July 27th

This is one of the pots that we filled up last night. Good thing we had torrential rainstorms...and it's supposed to rain for the next 6 days.

July 26th

We were awakened by a waterfall coming out of our bedroom ceiling. It's a good thing that we hadn't packed our pots and pans yet because we needed them to try and catch the water. We relocated to our living room sofabed and are waiting for our landlord to do something. Anything. Have I mentioned how much I hate this apartment?

July 25th

In packing today, I found my old Canon! We're back in business with this old camera workhorse. We rolled all of our spare change today in the midst of our half packed boxes, and ended up with $30.

Friday, July 24, 2009

July 24th

I've been researching new cameras tonight and this is our curent leader. I checked it out at Best Buy yesterday and I read every review I could find. T and I will check it out tomorrow and see if it works for us!

July 23rd

I finished this audiobook today. This book seemed to speak right to me; ironic since the author was the one reading the book. She actually was talking to me! This book has shown me the importance of self reflection and taking care of yourself.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

July 22nd

No camera- Day 1

T and I went for a walk tonight to escape the humidity of our apartment. We stopped by a convenience store for a treat on the way home. This was my snack!

July 21st

We had an incident tonight. In my haste to capture a photo of the eclipse, the camera slipped out of my hand and hit the coffee table. I got this message on the camera screen. This is not my camera (because it's broken) but this was my message. I bought our camera just before the wedding last year and I'm not happy about having to replace it. I'll have to be creative with this blog until we get the camera issue resolved...Please bear with me!

July 20th

And...we're back to the rain. It seems appropriate for heading back to work on a Monday morning.

July 19th

These travel plazas are a fabulous resource for long distance drives. I used the bathroom, dodged tourists, bought an iced coffee and lunch for the ride: Doritios!

July 18th

The girls and I spent this sunny Saturday in the pool, drinking mai tai's and soaking up the sun. It was a fabulous time!

July 17th

4 hours after I left work on this rainy Friday, I arrived in New Hampshire for our Girls Weekend! Let the fun begin!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

July 16th

We're still waiting on our closing date, but I snagged some boxes from work so we can get the packing started!

July 15th

I just couldn't resist!

July 14th

I'm sad to say that I didn't love this movie. But I did love Johnny Depp!

July 13th

Since the top layer of our wedding cake didn't make it to our first anniversary, I surprised T with this delicious peanut butter cream frosting and chocolate ganache covered mini cake from a local bakery. It was fantastic!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

July 12th

Day 2 in NYC: Walking across the Brooklyn Bridge. We could not have ordered a more perfect day!

July 11th! 1st Anniversary!

We headed down to NYC to celebrate our first anniversary! Thanks to Priceline, we were able to stay overnight in Soho. The weather was amazing, with the exception of a blazing thunderstorm right around midnight when we were heading back to the hotel. I love this man and cannot believe that it's been 1 year since we tied the knot!
Pre-dinner drinks at Butter. It was a gorgeous restaurant and bar. No celebrity sightings this trip!

We had a fabulous Italian meal in Little Italy and despite one large raindrop, the rain actually held off during our wonderful outdoor meal! The people watching and the wine made this a perfect anniversary dinner!

July 10th

Our first anniversary card arrived today! My parents and S had a great time cutting and pasting these pictures into our card and enclosing a very generous check to cover the cost of the advertised refrigerator for the new house. Thank you wonderful family for all of your love and support over this past year!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

July 9th

I finally got my hair cut today! I love going to the salon and I'm loving this new look.

July 8th

I wrapped up a pool themed package for my favorite nephew and T sent it off to California. I always try and make a fun card for him, and this is my latest creation. It's supposed to be a sailboat. Luckily S is easily impressed! I hope he enjoys his goodies!

July 7th

Thank you William Shatner! We scored a sweet deal on a hotel room in NYC for our anniversary this weekend. And the roulette aspect of this whole thing is really fun. Priceline...negotiator!

July 6th

In preparation of our move, we started cleaning out our books. There are going to our local library tomorrow. T and I are both a bit OCD when it comes to cleaning out bookshelves, drawers, and closets. The closet is next!

July 5th

Back in NY, T and I took advantage of the sunny day and went to the local state park. He beat me in cribbage and we relaxed with our books. Can we have three day weekends every week?!

July 4th

We had such a good time playing golf that I didn't take a photo today. (Slap my hand.) The scorecard was mysteriously lost when all four of us played badly. I did have one fabulous drive and one fantastic chip shot. The other 8 holes were not so good. But it was a great day and it didn't rain. Happy 4th!

July 3rd

T and I spent the weekend in CT with our Italian Adventure partners. We had a really relaxing time barbequing, playing cards and drinking wine. The framed pictures are the ones being donated to our new house, pictures of T and all his friends from their travels. I had to ixnay the one of T in a horribly shiny shirt taken in Cancun.

July 2nd

With just over two months until our Italian Adventure, we are knee deep in planning! My enginerd husband was very proud of my use of colored pencils to designate which day a particular sight would be visited.

July 1st

Yet another storm blowing in...five minutes after this was taken, the sky was black. How much do I love the East Coast summer?

June 30th

I am obsessed with our ice cream maker. On the menu tonight: Peppermint ice cream with junior mints!